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Campaign Series - Beige/khaki
1 Afrika Korps: Kenneth J Macksey
2 The Raiders, Desert Strike Force: Arthur Swinson
3 Sicily, Whose Victory?: Martin Blumenson
4 Breakout, Drive to the Seine: David Mason
5 Defeat in Malaya, The Fall of Singapore: Arthur Swinson
6 France, Summer 1940: John Williams
7 Bomber Offensive, The Devastation of Europe: Noble Frankland
8 The Nuremberg Rallies: Alan Wykes
9 Japan, The Final Agony: Alvin D Coox
10 Normandy Bridgehead: H Essame
10 Liberation of the Philippines: Stanley Falk
11 Barbarossa, Invasion of Russia 1941: John Keegan
13 New Guinea, The Tide is Stemmed: John Vader
14 Guadalcanal, Island Ordeal: Graeme Kent
15 New Georgia, Pattern for Victory: D C Horton
16 Fall of the Philippines: Ward Rutherford
17 Schweinfurt, Disaster in the Sky: J Sweetman
18 Carpathian Disaster, Death of an Army: Geoffrey Jukes
19 Opening Moves 1914: John Keegan
20 Tanganyikan Guerilla, East Africa Campaign 1914-18: J R Sibley
21 Pacific Onslaught, 7th Dec 1941 / 7th Feb 1943: Paul Kennedy
22 Operation Torch, Anglo-American Invasion North Africa: Vincent Jones
23 Over the Hump, Airlift to China: William Koenig
24 The Winter War, Russia Against Finland: Richard W Condon
25 Pacific Victory: Paul Kennedy
26 Tobruk, The Siege: James W Stock
27 Six Day War: A J Barker
28 Bloodiest Victory - Palaus - America's Pacific Offensive 1944: Stanley Falk
29 Yom Kippur War: A J Barker
Battle Series - Red
1 D-Day, Spearhead of Invasion: R W Thompson
2 Their Finest Hour, The Battle of Britain 1940: Edward Bishop
3 Stalingrad, The Turning Point: Geoffrey Jukes
4 Bastogne, The Road Block: Peter Elstob
5 The Siege of Leningrad: Alan Wykes
6 Battle for Berlin, The End of the Third Reich: Earl F Ziemke
7 Kursk, The Clash of Armour: Geoffrey Jukes
8 Tarawa, A Legend is Born: Henry I Shaw Jr
9 Airborne Carpet, Operation Market Garden: Anthony Farrar-Hockley
10 Pearl Harbor: A J Barker
11 Leyte Gulf, Armada in the Pacific: Donald MacIntyre
12 Okinawa, Touchstone to Victory: Benis M Frank
13 The Defense of Moscow: Geoffrey Jukes
14 Raid on St Nazaire: David Mason
15 Anzio, The Bid for Rome: Christopher Hibbert
16 Cassino: Dominick Graham
17 London's Burning: Constantine FitzGibbon
18 Kasserine, Baptism of Fire: Ward Rutherford
19 Battle of the Reichswald: Peter Elstob
20 Midway, The Turning Point: A J Barker
21 Battle of the Ruhr Pocket (WWII Series): Charles Whiting
22 Beda Fomm, The Classic Victory: Kenneth Macksey
23 Bir Hacheim, Desert Citadel: Richard Holmes
24 Salerno, Foothold in Europe: David Mason
25 Armoured Onslaught, 8th August 1918: Douglas Orgill
26 Vimy Ridge 1914-18: Kenneth Macksey
27 Rhine Crossing: James W Stock
28 Argonne 1918, The AEF in France: Barry Gregory
29 Rotterdam, Invasion of Holland: Wilhelmina Steenbeck
30 Ploesti, Oil Strike: John Sweetman
31 Zeebrugge, 23rd April 1918: James W Stock
32 Iwo Jima: Michael Russell
33 Dien Bien Phu: John Keegan
Weapon Series - Blue
1 U-Boat, The Secret Menace: David Mason
2 Panzer Division, The Mailed Fist: K J Macksey
3 Aircraft Carrier, The Majestic Weapon: Donald MacIntyre
4 ME109: Martin Caidin
5 German Secret Weapons, Blueprint for Mars: Brian J Ford
6 Spitfire: John Vader
7 Commando: Peter Young
8 SS and Gestapo: Roger Manvell
9 Zero Fighter: Martin Caidin
10 The Luftwaffe: Alfred Price
11 The Guns, 1939-45: Ian V Hogg
12 Airborne: Charles MacDonald
13 PT Boats: Bryan Cooper
14 Pacific Hawk, Kittyhawks: John Ward
15 Tank Force, Allied Armor in World War II: Kenneth Macksey
16 Waffen SS, The Asphalt Soldiers: John Keegan
17 B29, The

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