Maxi Singles Vinyl 1980/1990
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Hallo Vinyl Fans,
biete folgende Vinyl Maxi Singles aus meiner privaten Plattensammlung an:
Berlin - Like flames 1986
Bros - IOU nothing 1988
Bros - I quit 1988
Craig David - 7 days 2000
Dr. Alban feat. Leila K. - Hello Afrika 1990
Dr. Alban feat. Leila K. - Hello Afrika Remis with ‚No Coke‘ 1990
George Michael - Star people 1997
Leila K. - Open Sesame 1992
Rob‘n‘Raz feat. Leila K. - Got to Get RMX 1989
Roula - Lick it 1995
Seal - Future love EP 1991
Sique Sique Sputnik - Love missile F1-11 1986
Stephanie - Irresistible 1986
Talk Talk - Such a shame 1983
The B- 52‘s - Roam 1989
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