Move out sale
Nur Abholung- Art Weiteres Wohnzimmer
- Farbe Schwarz
- Zustand Gut
- Material Sonstige
As we are relocating we want our things to find a new family. We have the following things to go:
1. Kommode mit 4 Schubladen, schwarzbraun, 80x100 cm - for 40 euro
2. Tisch, schwarz, 110x67 cm with 2 metal chairs- 40 euro
3. Beistelltisch, weiß, 55x55 cm -5 euro
4. Couchtisch, weiß, 90x55 cm- 10 euro
5. Regal, weiß, 29x88 cm - 15 euro
Pickup : Uhalandstr, 10623
All should go by 27th February 2025. Whosoever comes early gets the stuffs.
Interested people please DM.