Olympus i zoom APS film camera

20 €

+ Versand ab 6,75 €
10437 Pankow - Prenzlauer Berg
  • Art Kamera
  • Zustand Sehr Gut


This is APS film camera, not 35mm.

Very, very small and light APS film camera. Smaller than Rollei 35

APS film still can be bought on ebay and developed in Rossmann. So if you want to try something new in film photography – this is your chance.

Camera in ideal condition. Tested with film.
Olympus Lens 25-50mm

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  • 10437 Prenzlauer Berg

    Rollei Nano 80

    This is APS film camera, not 35mm. APS film still can be bought on ebay and developed in Rossmann....

    10 €

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