The Sacred Circle Tarot: Englisch Version
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Product Information
This Tarot isn't for Everyone, but it may be For You The Sacred Circle Tarot draws on the Pagan heritage of Britain and Ireland, its sacred sites, and symbolic imagery from that tradition. It's based on the idea (suggested by R. J. Stewart) that the Tarot had its origins with the bards of Celtic culture. Together with the included 336-page, full-size book, the deck becomes a virtual training course in Celtic Paganism. Besides understanding the history and theories, there is lots of practical work for any Pagan or Tarot enthusiast. Included are instructions for six different spreads and how to use the cards for several types of meditation and personal spiritual development. The artwork, which combines photos, pencil drawings, computer colorization and enhancement helps to give a breathtaking feeling of extreme realism to the images. It should. The cards show actual landscapes and sacred sites in Britain and Ireland. Pagans will enjoy the fact that many of the Christian or Kabalistic symbolism has been removed and replaced with symbolism of the ancient Celts. For example the Fool is now the Green Man, the Magician is the High Priest, the Emperor and Empress are the Lord and Lady, the Devil is replaced by the Underworld, and the World is now the World Tree. The book is a veritable training course in Paganism and Tarot. The imagery on the cards is absolutely beautiful. It's no wonder that this has become one of the most popular decks around. You're going to love this as soon as you get your hands on it