Various - Trancemaster 2 (The Goa Gap)

30 €

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Neusser Str. 772,  50737 Köln - Nippes
  • Zustand Gut


Zustand Vinyl: Very Good Plus (VG+)

Zustand Hülle: Very Good (VG)


'Strictly Limited: Pressed at 12" Volume for DJ's Only!'

Artist B1 credited as [url=]TZ 8[/url] and tracks D1 and D2 are both unreleased mixes.

A1. Unknown Artist - Intro - Whales In Space
A2. Age Of Love - The Age Of Love (Remixed By Jam & Spoon: Watch Out For Stella Club Mix) 6:43
A3. Dance 2 Trance - Hello San Francisco 7:15
A4. Trance Induction - Technolo 5:04
B1. Brainstorm - Birdy 7:00
B2. Microbots - Chip 2: Freedom 5:56
B3. Tranceporter - Base 5:37
C1. The Shamen - LSI (Frank De Wulf Mix) 4:25
C2. Car & Driver - Drive 9:23
C3. Emojonal - Make E Move 6:42
D1. Cosmic Baby - Magic Cubes 6:56
D2. Re-Pitcher - Thing (Evolution 2 Mix) 4:08
D3. Unknown Artist - Outro - Whaletronics

Label Code LC 5801
Rights Society GEMA

Data provided by Discogs
Product listed via Disconnect

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