Vase Bluemnvase Keramik Schramberg Majolika 50er MidCentury Lava

100 € VB

+ Versand ab 0,00 €
81547 München - Untergiesing-Harlaching


Wunderschöne Retro-Vase aus der Majolika-Manufaktur Schramberg in Deutschland. Form 4785 bemalt mit Dekor Mexico.
Entwurf von Elfie Stadler (1930-1968)
Wunderschöne Retro-Vase aus der Majolika-Manufaktur Schramberg in Deutschland, bemalt mit Dekor Mexico.
Entwurf von Elfie Stadler (1930-1968)
Das Design dieser Vase spiegelt voll und ganz den Mid-Century-Stil der 1950er Jahre wider.
Höhe: 22 cm – Durchmesser oben 5cm Durchmesser unten 6,5cm
Ca. 1955
Schöner Zustand für sein Alter. Super Zustand bis auf einen winzigen kaum sichtbaren 2mm großen Glasursplitter am oberen Rand.

Infos zur Designerin Elfie Stadler:
Another one of my favorites is the Schramberger Majolika Fabrik (SMF). It started out in 1820 as the “Majolika-fabrik” and proceeded, after a couple of reorganizations, in 1918 as the Schramberger Majolika-fabrik. During its existence it made a wide variety of cutlery, vases, wall plates and other ceramic items, usually with a floral or a pictorial decor. These more traditional products were commercial successes, but in my opinion not the most interesting side of SMF. In the history of the company there are two distinguished ladies who brightened up the day. The first was Eva Zeisel-Stricker who was a designer at SMF between 1928 and 1930. I will feature her in another post to come. Featuring in this post is Elfie Stadler who worked for the company from 1953 till 1963.
Stadler designed all kinds of abstract decors and experimented with different shapes, resulting in very interesting pieces that sometimes looked like they had been in an accident, being bend, curved and dented. The 4 pieces I am showing in this post are all from the 1950s and give an impression of her work, but I am ever on the look out for the really weird shapes. They are very hard to find, but I hope I will eventually have a collection that will do Elfie Stadler justice. She died very young, only 38 years old, but I think she is one of the highlights in German ceramics history.

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