Waka Tutea Wildwasser-Kajak
700 €
750 €
Nur Abholung- Art Wassersport
- Zustand Sehr Gut
Wildwasserkajaka Tutea von Waka in sehr gutem Zustand. Wenig gepaddelt (ca. 30 mal). Keine tiefen Kratzer, keine Risse. Dunkel gelagert.
Anschauen und Abholen in Stuttgart.
Aus der Beschreibung des Herstellers:
Smaller paddlers once struggled to find a creek boat easy to manoeuvre and sized to fit them, whilst still being big enough to have the speed and volume needed to boof through grade five. Not anymore.
Following in the footsteps of it’s big brother the Tuna 1, the Tutea is a small to medium-sized creek boat with the same smooth lines and well-proportioned rocker profile that made the Tuna 1 the best creek boat of its time. The Tutea is the oldest remaining design in our range with less bow rocker than our more modern boats but it’s still a high floating creek boat that’s easy to boof, turn, carve and even flat spin. The Tutea suits the whole skill range from beginner to advanced kayakers, and provides a shorter option than the Stoke for those who prefer this style.
Weitere Informationen unter https://www.wakakayaks.com/kayak/tutea/
Privatverkauf: Keine Gewährleistung, keine Rücknahme.